Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The main provisions of the Endangered Species Act ...

has led the growth of human impact on the environment, too many fish, wild plants and animals were exhausted, they border on threatened with extinction. ... .Congress enacted the Species at Risk in 1973 to preserve and protect this species. ... .Bald eagle SignificanceAmerican according the Endangered Species Act, "These types of fish, animals and plants have aesthetic value, ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific nation and its people." Act. EcosystemsThe sees the preservation of ecosystems, the extinction .threatened. .Species of plants, fish and wildlife depend for their survival. ... .He gives power to acquire land for conservation through the purchase of the necessary resources to areas with water protection and land. ... .The Conservation Act directs the Interior Minister and to develop recovery plans without checking preference for a taxonomic group to the list species.ListThe Home Secretary is responsible for overseeing all. A petition species that are candidates for listing as threatened or endangered are. ... .You are on the endangered species list Government. ... .There is also an observation period of five years for species that have survived successfully been delisted and necessary. ... .This ensures that the species to reproduce in sufficient numbers and avoid relisted.PossessionPossession an endangered species of plants, fish and wildlife is further from the citizens for the ecosystem, forbidden. Restart correctly. ... .The Endangered Species Act also prohibits the taking, sale or transportation of endangered species on the list. ... .The law also provides the same authority, the Ministries of Agriculture and Interior restrictions on the import and export lists to implement plants.GrantsThe act authorizes agreements to develop cooperation in the effort. Conservation. ... .In addition, grants to states to establish and maintain active will have programs for wildlife and threatened and endangered plants are given ....

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