Thursday, December 30, 2010

Immigration and Naturalization Federal Government ...

Millions of people have emigrated to the United States throughout its history. ... .Although immigration to the United States not as easy as it used to come for immigrants to U.S. shores each year. ... .There are five main routes of migration from the United States - through family, employment, investment, diversity lottery visa and refugee status. ... .Following is granted permanent residence, you can get a naturalized U.S. citizen a few years. ... .Familia spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of a U.S. citizen you can be for permanent residence in the United States sponsor, except children under 21 years. ... .A common permanent resident of the United States, you can sponsor, and a parent who is a permanent resident can sponsor you if you are under 21 and unmarried, is. ... .Man can not the petition itself - it must be filed on your behalf by your sponsor. ... .While waiting sometimes more than a decade, an application shall be of permanent residence by a U.S. citizen spouse usually in about a height of year.EmploymentApplications permanent residence based on employment must be part of processing. A proper five categories of employment based immigration to U.S. .. .Immigration Act recognized. ... .In most cases, your employer will sponsor you and show that U.S. workers in short supply for your position. ... .Are you a teacher or an outstanding researcher, but you may be able to migrate, even if you find yet.InvestmentIt a job in the United States to the United States to immigrate through investment. Enough money, or the creation of a society. .creates jobs for U.S. workers or the performance of the U.S. economy. ... .In practice, the minimum investment in the neighborhood of $ 500,000 to $ 1 million.Diversity LottteryThe Visa USA, a Diversity Visa Lottery - known popularly as the "Green Card Lottery", with historically low rates of immigration - for locals.. .U.S. You can register for the online lottery if you are a citizen of an eligible country. ... .The U.S. State Department, the finalists 110 000 per year by all candidates and will select 50 000 permanent residence visas. ... .If the year ends will be issued before 50,000 visas, a visa will be issued again until next year lottery.Refugee Refugee STATUSA is as a person who suffered persecution or has defined a legitimate fear. Of future persecution because of race, religion. .Nationality, political opinion or membership in a group. ... .A refugee can be offered permanent residence in the United States if he proves he has no dangerous diseases and does not constitute a threat to safety. ... .In practice, immigration, refugee status by the very difficult.NaturalizationOnce you have obtained permanent resident, you must wait five years before the U.S. citizenship. ... .It is possible for naturalized citizens in just three years under certain circumstances, if you married a citizen of the United States. ... .You have to pass a test on U.S. history and national culture and develop a rudimentary knowledge of English. ... .Some exceptions to these requirements exist. ... .If you are granted permanent residence by fraud, lies perpetrated on the citizenship application, or a crime, after having obtained permanent residence, it is likely that your application is accepted to a U.S. citizen ....

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