Monday, December 27, 2010

American citizenship / naturalization

Naturalization is the process by which a person is a citizen of a country in which he was not born. United States, be naturalized thousands of permanent residents citizens each year. Citizenship and naturalization are born abroad much people but not all the same rights and privileges as those in the United States born. SignificanceBy complete naturalization process a person born outside WINS of American citizen status, rights and obligations relating to the citizenship. Naturalized and native, the right to vote, judges, received a U.S. passport and government programs such as social security and Medicare to participate. You also can selected security clearances for employment, the otherwise unavailable for non - citizens .When travel to Board, u.s. citizens may of services and safeguard measures, the U.S. embassy.U.S offered by use. Granted citizenship college student eligibility for financial aid such as grants and loans.Only Americans are entitled to the military.FeaturesA Federal programs join permanently resident citizenship naturalized five years after obtaining his green card may request. It must be at least 18 years for three months in the State where it for citizenship is applied, be physically present in the country for less than 30 months five years ago, were good morale during residence in the country have lived, be able to read and write English at a level of at least primary school and residents have a knowledge of Government and history of the United States.Time FramePermanent search for citizenship must an application for naturalisation with the United States Bureau of citizenship and the service of i komplettesMigration. The application includes an interview and ciVIC US and English language tests. USCIS will evaluate the application of interview Ettests before rendering its decision. If a person is approved application, is to give an oath of loyalty where he swears his loyalty to the United States and all loyalties in foreign countries. Have a permanent resident to a citizen of the oath and constantly resided has in the country currently anywhere where the application take oath.TypesThe naturalisation procedures for persons born applies in the United States. A person regardless of the nationality of his parents was native citizen of the country at the time of birth. In addition a child is of the United States also entitled born abroad for the citizens to u.s. to acquire citizenship without naturalized. Foreign born children can even American citizens on the naturalization of its citizens naturalized parents.ConsiderationsWhile are local citizens rights deserve a lot of the same, you can be President or Vice-President of the United States. Section I, article of the Constitution of the United States II limits the two offices for those who are born as an indigenous people of the country. Naturalized citizens, can be used in the Congress and of the Council of Ministers, but you are in the order of the presidential elections succession.HistoryThe, Congress first act of naturalisation of the country in 1790 eligibility citizenship free, white, adult male or female disqualified adopted at the residence of at least two years. Act changed in 1795 and increased the requirement from two to five years residence and everyone needs to give foreigners on its or their allegiance to a foreign country.Naturalization on black people of African descent have been given in 1870. Standards of naturalization for persoinformation of with other ethnic groups established by the Act of 1924. This law was revised 1952 Act McCarran, naturalization opened the U.S. population of an annual quota of 1 / 16 by 1 percent.

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