Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Facts on Citizenship ...

U.S. citizenship was obtained from hundreds of millions of people and is wanted by millions. ... .Nationality Law of the United States is more liberal than those of most other countries. ... .Nevertheless, the acquisition of citizenship of the United States subject to certain rules difficult - yes, it is possible to be an American citizen and not know it. ... .Here are some little-known facts about American citizenship. ... .Process for the U. S. .. CitizenshipU. .. S. ... .Citizenship was automatically conferred on any person on the territory of the United States (with the exception of some neighboring estates) was born. ... .It is also to persons born abroad to two U.S. citizen parents, or giving birth abroad of a U.S. citizen parent under certain conditions. ... .Child Citizenship Act of 2000, slightly expanded eligibility for U.S. citizenship in the case of children abroad, a citizen of the United States CitizenshipU.S parent.Dual born. ... .'S law on dual citizenship is not clear, even if dual citizenship is generally tolerated by the government of the United States. ... .Although there is no formal ban of dual citizenship, dual nationality may lose prevent a particular form of production safety inspections in certain occupations.Ways CitizenshipOne may lose U.S. citizenship by voluntary surrender, an officer. U.S. consulate or treason. ... .Some other actions can be used as an expression of intention for U.S. citizenship, such as service can be interpreted to give the military forces of a foreign country, but they are rarely, if ever enforced.Naturalization processin order request. U.S. citizenship must be stopped, the applicant permanently ., the United States for a specified period (usually five years after obtaining permanent residence). .live in a certain area during a certain time before the application (. usually three months) to spend, speak, read and write English rudimentary. .simple citizenship test for U.S. history and government, and have a good character as demonstrated by the police records. ... .Some exclusions apply with respect to terrorist activities, involvement in prostitution, etc. Even if a naturalized citizen can hold public office, he or she can not serve as President of the United States.Nationality vs. CitizenshipPeople that in American Samoa or Swains .Iceland were born (. or their descendants), or, persons born in certain areas of the United States ahead of the other specific points in time for the U.S. citizenship, but not U.S. citizens when. have no basis for asserting U.S. citizenship. ... .can work, live and U.S. citizens in the United States, but they can not in federal elections, they can in the national and local elections, when the law allows local governments. ... .These people are free to apply for U.S. citizenship and other non-citizens can.Tax CitizenshipThe consequences of the U.S. government claims jurisdiction taxable persons who renounce their U.S. citizenship for tax evasion principle U.S.. States limited. ... .Such a goal requires, if the person has a net worth of over $ 2,000,000 and paid more than $ 124,000 in taxes in each of the last five years before the abandonment of citizenship. ... .These thresholds are taken at regular intervals of inflation accounting raised ....

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