Monday, December 27, 2010

Immigration and Naturalization Service Information ...

Permanent residents, also known as Green Card holders, may obtain citizenship by naturalization in the United States. ... .This is an opportunity where immigrants can become U.S. citizens, and almost all have the same rights as native born citizens. ... .These options all begin with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. ... .Immigration and Visa ResidencyAll permanent immigrants who live in the United States to apply for a visa. ... .In most cases, an immigrant visa will be. ... .An immigrant visa is one that will eventually lead to permanent residence in this country. ... .These visas are visas for families, business visas, visas for investors and work visas. ... .Once a person has received an immigrant visa may apply to change the status of permanent residence. ... .If his application is approved to become a permanent resident, it is a green card.NaturalizationNaturalization were is the process by which U.S. citizenship to eligible persons who (granted meet INA.) Criteria of the Act on the Immigration and Nationality Act .. ... .For most citizens naturalization can occur within the United States, although there are some rare exceptions for those, or interpretation, the U.S. military service. Families.People and for their people QualifyMost Who can like. .Path to citizenship. ... .The primary method requires that you have a Green Card holder for at least five years before applying for citizenship. ... .If you are the wife of a U.S. citizen, you can only stay in the country to apply for a green card for three years. ... .These are the most common ways for residents, the citizens will decide. ... .Even if a resident can by meeting the above requirements there are additional skills to qualify that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said that any applicant for naturalization must meet.Requirements NaturalizationA residents do naturalized U.S. citizen should be. 18 years .. to keep to prove his green card in the situation that she has always lived in the U.S. in the last 30 months, and in his home country for the last three months. ... .It will also be required to run a test and an interview with a U.S. immigration officer.Application ProcessThe U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recommends that each person seeks to apply for citizenship file their application for citizenship after this pass. They were full .produced. .the naturalization test. ... .USCIS has learning materials that can help you prepare for the test. ... .The application you must complete each depending on your situation, but in general most people who claim to be naturalized completed form N-400 application for naturalization. ... .It can be downloaded from the USCIS Web site as a PDF file. ... .In June 2010 the registration fee for the N-test and $ 400 675.Naturalization InterviewIn immigrate to the United States and a naturalized citizen, you must test the process and interview.. ... .An immigration officer will give you a test to assess your ability to communicate in English. ... .You should be able to speak, read and write in English, the exam, and do not have the possibilities of language is one of the main reasons for failure. ... .There are also some political education. ... .The Immigration Officer will ask 10 questions about American history and government policy. ... .You should answer at least six of these questions correctly to pass the exam. ... .The fee for the citizenship test is to be paid in the $ 675 fee if you include the application for naturalization file. ... .If you do not pass the test for the first time the exam you are entitled to repeat the test whenever you are ready for testing. ... .In June 2010 they were 92 percent success rate on the naturalization test. ... .The immigration officer will ask you some questions about your loyalty to the United States and why you became a citizen. ... .When the interview is completed successfully, you will be asked to take an oath of allegiance. ... .This is the final step of the application process ....

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