Monday, December 27, 2010

How to determine damages in age discrimination ...

In 1967, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was established, the protection of U.S. citizens aged 40 years and for positions that are transport, training and learning. ... .In addition, benefits can not be denied on grounds of age. ... .If you take a company to civil court because you try to feel discriminated against before, it is important to know what you can expect and ask for compensation. ... .You have questions or ADEA action, talk about a lawyer.Difficulty: ModerateInstructionsDetermining discriminatory Damages1Using calculator, calculate wages, fired from the date you / were demoted to trial date had been won.. ... .These add the value of benefits such as paid vacation.2Calculate fees.3If your lawyer of Total that you can prove the discrimination was intentional, then take the number of the first step is twofold. ... .This doubling of the wage loss is considered "compensation", and it is the penalty for willful violation of the terms of the ADEA.4Add all three numbers from one to three steps. ... .This is your total loss ....

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