Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Card Immigration Rules ...

A Permanent Resident Card or Green Card is proof that someone from a foreign country can lawfully in the United States. ... .There are a number of ways a person can qualify for a green card. ... .Published by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), a green card to get more difficult because of the high number of illegal immigrants. ... .In the spring of 2009 approximately 12 million people living illegally in the United States. ... .PrivilegesOnce get a green card, a person acquires a number of privileges. ... .Besides living in the United States, a green card holder allowed in the United States and overseas work or travel to his home country for a certain period of time. ... .A person with a green cards for citizenship in the U.S. after a number of years. ... .Finally a green card holder of a Green Card can be used for a spouse or children under the age of 21, when four ways unmarried.QualificationsThere qualify a person for a green card can. ... .As already mentioned, a person may obtain a green card if he is the spouse of a Green Card holder or an unmarried child under 21 years. ... .A person may also be willing to consider if it has a possibility of permanent employment in the United States, and his employer to be a sponsor. ... .One can also qualify if they make a significant investment in the United States, and the company is an important value for the U.S. economy and employs at least ten people. ... .Finally, if a person in the United States, legally or illegally, since 1 .January 1972, living to qualify now for a green card. ... .A person shall, at the INS report, the category in which he application.Additional QualificationsTo get a green card, you must be 18 years old and have been a resident of the United States for five years or less, depending. .. Your situation. ... .You must have good moral values, to read a basic knowledge of the history of the United States and in a position and write basic English. ... .As to the latter qualification, a degree of freedom to people who are elderly or have a permanent disability that makes learning English difficult.When applyin general, if a person wants to apply for a green card is shown, it must have. Residing in .United Kingdom. .Member States for at least five years or three years old, married, a citizen of the United States. ... .Application for a green card can also be made by a veteran who served honorably in the U.S. Army for at least a year before the application within six months discharge.How ApplyFill Form N-400. But first notice. .the content of "A Guide to Naturalization" if you're not in the army or the "naturalization information for members of the armed forces" if you are. ... .The length of time for the application process required depends entirely on your personal situation. ... .Some people have a process that lasted up to ten years to resolve, while others will receive their green cards in a matter of weeks to know ....

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