Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dealing with hate crime

A hate crime occurs when committed a criminal offence on the basis of their religion, gender or identity of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation against a person. Insults, threats and physical attacks are all as hate crimes. If a take victim hate these proactive measures to deal with crime. Although it can be painful these steps, your action can prevent others hate crimes.Difficulty: EasyInstructions1Report crime immediately. Navigate to your local police department or call the crime anonymously. Some local police departments offer online reports. Either in person or online prepare the events in detail to the and including the crime 2Write disclose a personal statement. The events are fresh in your mind do as soon as possible. In writing as the crime mentally, emotionally and financially affected has you and why you think it is a hate crime. This statement can be used in court, get the facts quickly. 3Go before the courts. You can be invited to appear as a witness in court. Prepare work with a lawyer to court. Your solicitor is to questions respond through process 4Consider to have a lawyer. If you know the identity of the person who instigated the hate crimes that follow in mental, emotional or financial losses.

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