Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to lose U.S. citizenship ...

Worried about losing your U.S. citizenship? ... .Do not be. ... .For those born in the United States citizen is a birthright, and is therefore almost impossible to lose, by the acts of betrayal or abandonment. ... .In addition to hearing loss in a U.S. court for treason, the only way a citizen can, if you knowingly and voluntarily waive. ... .It can only be dispensed with while in a foreign country, except at times when the United States in the war. ... .Renunciation of U.S. citizenship is an irreversible step. ... .There are seven ways to lose your U.S. citizenship, and all but one are voluntary acts renunciation.Difficulty: Moderate ChallengingInstructions1Take an oath of allegiance to a foreign country, you must renounce your U.S. citizenship. ... .U.S. citizens may hold dual citizenship in one country while retaining their U.S. citizenship and rights. ... .For example, if an American citizen, a citizen of Brazil wanted to be, it would be legally approved by both nations. ... .There are some countries like Spain, which does not recognize dual citizenship. ... .An American take the oath of citizenship in Spanish loyalty to the United States would forego to obtain Spanish citizenship. ... .This is considered voluntary, and you lose your citizenship.2Join U.S. military or armed forces of a foreign nation. ... .In a first step it could to the country from. ... .Dual citizens of countries that both support dual citizenship are not eligible in this section. ... .For other service in the armed forces of a country usually includes an oath of allegiance during the induction. ... .Exclusion of other loyalties usually bound by the oath. ... .If you place such as an oath, you lose your citizenship.3Work voluntarily in the U.S. government of a foreign country. ... .What the military clause, there is usually an accompanying oath swearing in elected or appointed to an office. ... .The renunciation of American citizenship, but would not necessarily part of the oath to ensure the pure loyalty to the government and the nation you represent. ... .This would be voluntary renunciation.4Renounce your new citizenship outside the United States. ... .It would require a U.S. official as a diplomat or a consular officer of the Embassy of the United States in the face. ... .An oath, signed waiver must accompany the declaration.5Renounce citizenship within the United States. ... .This can only be done in times of war. ... .That is the risk of statelessness, where the uncertainty is a citizen of a State, and has therefore prevent any national protection or treason identity.6Commit. ... .If you renounce your American citizenship, remember that betrayal will lead convictions usually in prison. ... .Treason is the only path to citizenship have taken from you involuntarily. ... .The acts of treason are armed attack against the government of the United States or the sabotage of his demise. ... .A U.S. court has to find you the betrayal may be withdrawn guilty before citizenship ....

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