Monday, December 27, 2010

How to restore the voting rights in Virginia ...

Persons convicted of a crime in every state, will automatically lose the right to vote, serve on a jury or a public office in Virginia. ... .It is possible to made the right choice again, but will restore the voting rights in Virginia, is not automatic. ... .To have the right to vote again, those sentenced to be completely sent a petition to the Governor of Virginia. ... .Understanding of the Commonwealth of Virginia application increases the chances that restored the right to a timely vote fashion.Difficulty: Moderate ChallengingInstructionsThings you need: certified copies of copies of letters condemning all reference1Complete convictionsCertified order sets and pay all fines.. ... .Before entering the governor of Virginia, was convicted of the completed term of imprisonment or imprisonment for at least five years. ... .This parole, probation and criminal charges included in each state. ... .Court-ordered fees must be paid before a petition checked to restore the voting rights in full will or approved.2Obtain and full restoration of the rights of petition form from the Secretary of the Commonwealth website. ... .In May 2010, the Commonwealth of Virginia has two different forms of petition for convicted offenders. ... .The shortest form must be between a non-violent crime, sentenced to be completed in no relation to drugs. ... .The longer form must be completed by persons convicted of an offense involving drugs or violence. ... .To complete the request a complete list of all convictions for crimes required.3Request is a copy of the pre-or post-sentence sentence report and an overview of the monitoring period of probation or the newer agents. Probation. ... .If the details of the provider can not be found or if the officer is retired, can the information be obtained directly from the probation service. ... .If the probation service to explain that you know needed.4Obtain the filing of a petition for the restoration of the rights and duties, which documents are copies of all convictions on the application and all listed certified. Levels of punishment. ... .Certified copies of judgments must be ordered directly from the office of the court are required, and the sentencing orders certified by the office of the court or probation can be obtained. ... .In some counties of Virginia, indictment and conviction of copies of the orders are the same document. ... .Fees for certified documents vary depending on the municipality and the office is a list of current fees.5Prepare a personal letter and present three letters of reference call. ... .The applicant must be a personal letter to the Governor explaining the circumstances of the case believe how her life has changed and why the vote should be restored to write. ... .The three letters of recommendation need not be written by three people can access the applicants in relation (employers, teachers, priests, etc.) testify to his good character. ... .All letters must be signed and dated by the petition author.6Sign completed before a notary and mail all documents to the Secretariat of the Commonwealth. ... .The applicant will receive a response approve or reject the request for restoration of voting rights have. ... .If the request of an applicant may re-petition to the Governor of Virginia, is denied in two years ....

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