Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Submit your nomination a Dutch citizenship

Acquire Dutch citizenship allows new Hollander many benefits, including the ability to work and live anywhere in the European Union, involving up to twenty-six different countries. A Dutch citizen has the right to vote in elections and is not considered foreigners. It calls the Netherlands nationality by option and naturalization procedure procedure. This guide provides an overview of the steps necessary for both.Difficulty: moderately ChallengingInstructions1Check to see if you qualify for the option procedure. Eligible applicants for the procedure option to purchase way faster and easier Netherlands nationality, born in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba. If option come, report to your local Department of the law, and complete a declaration of option. If you not come to complete this procedure, ahead steps. 2Live Netherlands of a residence permit valid for an uninterrupted period of five years. The residence permit can the message. Dutch 3Take civic integration examination are taken. This test that the applicant's ability to read, write and speak Dutch should be required. The examination is administered orally and is taken the message of Netherlands. A fee shall be paid to the Foreign Ministry. In 2009, the exam was euros. 4Renounce 350 of former nationality. As a Dutch citizen, you have your previous nationality officially to renounce. Withdrawal takes Dutch documentation of your citizenship. 5Acquire. In addition to the complementary option or the naturalization need to purchase the following documents: valid passport, valid residence permits in legal birth LiaTificat, the diploma 6Pay of civil integration GEbühren. Check update with the message of the Netherlands for any information regarding fees. In 2009, the fee fora person acquires Netherlands nationality through process was option 139 Euro and costs for a person to acquire nationality by naturalization process were 366 euro Netherlands.

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