Sunday, December 19, 2010

Immigration Information in Namibia ...

Namibia is a wealthy country in southern Africa. ... .The diamond mining countries, lead, zinc, uranium and other precious materials. ... .With Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as neighbors, Namibia was a magnet for Africans and Africans who do not look to the life and work in the country. ... .Namibian visitors visit to Namibia should the country through its 27 border crossings and ports of entry into force. ... .In addition, all visitors are invited to present a valid travel document and visa. ... .However, the citizens of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and at least 39 other countries can without a visa, provided they have valid passport.PermitsOnce in Namibia, a visitor can stay longer, but must. Permission of the Director. .Immigration control of foreigners to do citizenship. ... .A permit may be granted for a temporary resident if you are an investor or a student for a short time in the country. ... .Permanent residence permits are status.Citizenship for spouses, dependent children or relatives of a person with permanent residence through various MarriageAn can be a Namibian citizen by marriage, if he marries a Namibian in good faith. ... .Candidates for citizenship must remain in the country for at least two years to live after the marriage.Citizenship DescentChapter of 2 of the Constitution grants citizenship to those born to parents would be, the Namibian citizens or Namibian citizens.Citizenship are to be considered by a living person. NaturalizationAny legally .Namibia. .Namibia for at least five years can apply for citizenship. ... .was to get citizenship, if accepted his request and makes a few health, morals and safety through the registration government.Citizenship namibia dictated an independent nation in 21st .March 1990. ... .Citizenship by registration was open to people who lived at the time of independence in the country for a minimum period of five years, currently live in Namibia and was another citizenship possible. ... .This method was only citizenship for the 12 months after the independence of Namibia and can not be used ....

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