Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to handle illegal interview questions ...

Interviews are stressful enough without worrying about whether your answers to seemingly innocuous questions can cost you your job. ... .If you are qualified for a position and are well prepared for an interview, work issues to be answered quite simply. ... .Unfortunately, sometimes in an interview to ask illegal - the ones that you do not know an employer will ask and answer uncomfortable. ... .Learn how these problems can be managed with sensitivity to help keep an interview derailing.Difficulty: ModerateInstructions1Know these things are illegal for an employer to ask you. ... .Issues relating to race, ethnic origin, disability, marital status, are the intentions of the family and age-discriminatory. ... .For example, a potential employer does not ask if you have children or what you have to celebrate holidays is likely to be planned. ... .Well, he can not ask if you have a disability or to ask questions about your medical reasons history.2Evaluate interviewer the question. ... .Sometimes, with the intention to communicate with you, ask the interviewer personal questions, not knowing they are illegal. ... .Most of the time will judge you are in a position to know whether this is the case, or when the interviewer calls in the context of employment discrimination practice.3Keep a cool head and be careful. ... .Whether the question was meant innocently, how to determine the status of your future employment to respond. ... .Keep your facial expressions and body language to non-confrontational as you, or how to decide whether to answer the question. ... .Sort of joint sends a message that you do not want to deal with stressful situations well.4Use humor to defuse the situation or distract the interviewer. ... .Say something to the effect of "Wow, this is an unusual question. .. I do not think I've asked this before, "with a little smile gives you the opportunity to avoid the problem. ... .In addition, the interviewers to recognize the possibility that it has asked illegal (if it was a mistake in good faith) and reorientation of conversation.5Answer question behind the question. ... .An investigator who asks about your plans to have a family really ask your commitment to the position. ... .Someone asks disabilities may be concerned about your ability to do the work. ... .Tell him that you intend to pursue a career, or that you are safe do you feel can do the job as described in the illegal component asks the question but answered the concern.6Refuse answer hidden. ... .As tactfully as possible, inform the interviewer that the question they asked was the law that they do not ask and you do not feel comfortable to answer. ... .Say it politely, with a friendly shrug and let them know that you are ready on the way to more relevant questions.7Decide how to handle it if the interview is full of illegal questions. ... .You have the right to terminate an interview, failed when after all your other tactics, you always illegal questions are asked. ... .It's probably a sign that you are not comfortable with the hiring practices of the company or the conditions for the work anyway ....

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