Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to apply for citizenship in Canada

Always an immigrant, landing or permanent residence in Canada offer many benefits, but full citizenship is safer. In addition to a Canadian passport and voting citizens should lose don't be afraid to change your status of Canadian spend too much time outside the country. And allow that many countries, to keep all the benefits of your original homeland.Difficulty citizenship have dual citizenship: moderately EasyInstructionsInstructions1Acquire Canadian permanent resident (PR) or approved "immigrant" status of this first step is a big, but there is no way around it. You were a landed immigrants to an absolute minimum of two years, apply for Canadian citizenship. And it's just if you spent a considerable amount of time the Canada before obtaining the status of RP. More likely, have three years or more residence before you can apply for Canadian citizenship. However, if you remember how difficult and time consuming it was file status, rest assured, who was the hard part. Application for citizenship is much, much easier 2Keep a log of your trip. While you synchronize stay, be sure that each trip to track, which takes you abroad. In the application process you if you the country for more than a single day from the list on the left. Include travel, holidays, family emergencies, nothing. This information simply drag the Government for your own records. You must pursue the it. In addition, while the stamps dates can help in your Passport PIN, leave on this issue. Often, stamp border services officers disturb your Passport account. It is preferable, a magazine on your computer or your paper. 3 dedicated to keeping you checking your home online. Citizenship and Immigration Canada bietet an eligibility calculator (URL below). You can use it to confirm that you meet the basic requirement of residence and the data in your journal in step type 2 trips. When you enter data here, you can attach to your application for Canadian citizenship later and must not rewrite. Residential basic requirement is that you 1,095 days (three years) in the past must have spent four years Canada. Number of days for which you have the PR status as full days. On Canada, the number of PR States as half a day spent days before you receive, but must state of the PR at least two years. 4Fill citizenship application form (CIT 0002). If the computer online accepts spent enough time and haven't deleted to day trips abroad, you are ready, filling out the form. It can be downloaded in .PDF on the CIC website. URL (below). You can print and complete by hand, or your information directly into the form and print you there. It is much easier than the PR application. This is a total of five pages form a large part of your trip - ignore if you used the computer online - and bizarre questions as if you want to receive a letter of congratulations from your member journal is given. Sent in prison or crimes against humanity guilty found if any problems with form 5Collect have your paperwork. With the form itself have a photocopy of both sides of your PR card, accompanied by a photocopy of your record of landing (IMM 1000) or your confirmation of permanent residence (IMM 5292). Depending on if you need ImmIgré, you become one or other people, if you you landed need copies of two pieces of identification, one with Iher image. Canadian driver's license and passport photo page will do very well, but so many things as your insurance card. Photos of yourself to send, end as passport photos on your certificate of citizenship is meant in the portfolio. The Guide application includes specifications page, can get to the photographer for you all right. 6Pay tax details and wait. At this stage it is in your hands. Send your completed application and documents with the $200-fee. This is actually a toll fee of $100 and $100 "Right to nationality." If for some reason your application is rejected, you get back but not the processing fee. CIC maintains current processing time is approximately one year, but suggest anecdotal, that is the time to a new Canada become actually to nine months.Which closer not suitable if you think about it.

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