Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Consumer discrimination ...

Historically, the U.S. has made great strides in reducing many types of discrimination by federal laws like the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Housing Act and Fair Credit Reporting Act made. ... .But, to identify gaps and narrow scope interpretations of state and federal courts with unscrupulous companies offer funds to continue illegal practices. ... .The Centre for Equality of consumers examined 81 federal court decisions 1990-2002 made over allegations of client race and / or ethnic discrimination. ... .Since the beginning of the study, the Center is a continuous increase in this kind of litigation reports on civil rights. ... .DiscriminationAccording the Consumer Attorney Craig Fagan is a company not refuse service to anyone that the law on the civil rights judge "a protected class .. .This includes discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex., Religion, national origin or disability. ... .Fagan says that although many companies hang the inscription: "We reserve the right to refuse service", these characters are illegal and constitute a means for a company of unlawful discrimination against certain consumers excuse .. .. 'Secret' DiscriminationFagan said that there. .Direct evidence of discrimination or obvious like: "I'm sorry, but our society does not deal with blacks" is only rarely available, should courts "evidence" of discrimination .. ... .For example, an African American goes to a pub and an application form for a job as a waitress and management learned that there are no jobs available. ... .Moments later, fill a white woman, and between the application and an application. ... .If indicated, could a law firm or an EEOC investigator sent in undercover "testers" to determine if in fact the pub overt discrimination practices. ... .As Fagan remarked: "The law holds clues as powerful as direct evidence ... .. Or [can] prove a case of racial discrimination at trial. ."DiscriminationBy marketing definition, marketing and market research based on the segmentation of the population in certain demographic like. .such as age, gender and origin. ethnicity. ... .The research-based companies view such discrimination as unacceptable that these groups actually benefit classifications stereotypical. ... .However, tactics such as price discrimination and promotional strategies are used to attract specific demographic groups to specific companies under attack. ... .Examples of what could be reduced restaurants reduced prices for children and senior citizens clubs and cover costs and drinks for "Ladies Night". ... .Recently perform various district court opinions Ladies Night ", the sex discrimination and thus unconstitutional based. ... .Currently, no one has instigated legal proceedings of price discrimination based on age. .. 'Remarks "After the article," A History of Redlining, "the term" Annotations "comes from the brokerage and lending groups, dividing the community cards in" types, "said A. either. B, C .or D.. low-income neighborhoods and black, as a type "D" is marked, were shown in red on a map indicating areas less desirable to review the loan. ... .Although historically refers to financial institutions, the supermarket sector has also seen the integration of these policies in their marketing strategy. ... .According to Food First, an Institute for Food and Development Policy: "The supermarket industry has the boundaries that define where fresh, nutritious food at competitive prices and not the communities located throughout the country.. .. The result is that low-income supermarket redlining. .Buyers will be cut from easy access to nutritious food at affordable prices. ... " .The Community Reinvestment Act, a federal law that addresses credit, but not the non-financial practices or the word "comments" in particular.HR 0.3126: Financial Consumer Protection Agency Act of .2009 in 2009, a federal law was introduced, " .to create the financial consumer protection agency, and for other purposes .. "Although HR3126 is currently on the calendar of the House vote is not expected. .....

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