Friday, December 17, 2010

The American citizen denied mean what?

If a person applies for American citizenship and is denied, no citizen does to be and maintain a permanent resident legitimate. It can correct the grounds for refusal and apply after five years. It is possible that the grounds for refusal, however, that the power of the removable person and therefore it would lose its status as a permanent resident. Requirements for States CitizenshipUnited U.S. citizenship and immigration services are obvious refuse an application if the applicant does not meet the requirements for U.S. citizenship. These are, generally: residence in the U.S. for at least half of the last five years, good moral character and knowledge of U.S. history and government and of English.Denial journal application - History, Government and English TestsIf the U.S.C.I.S. denied the application because the person did not pass the tests for U.S. history and government or English language, the person will still be a permanent resident, can continue to live in the U.S., and can try to apply for citizenship again (after studying to be sure she can pass the test) .Denial for Lack of Residence for Required Time PeriodsThe person remains a permanent resident and can apply again when she has met the residence requirements.Denial for Lack of Good Moral CharacterSome grounds for not finding good moral character can be corrected and the person can apply again, when it has been five years since the failing of last applied character. To pay or maintenance for children in the absence of the registry for the project is examples. A person can make a new request for five years after the criminal ConvictionsU.S.C.I.S failing.denials. may citizenship be rejected because the person of a criminal offence has been detected guilty. If the crime is not grounds for deportation (a less serious offence);can ask the person more than five years after the offence derDatum. But if the sentence is grounds for removal, the Government tried to deport the person. Sometimes, the person will be recovered for facilitating and permanent resident status. If not, the person will be deported.

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