Sunday, January 16, 2011

to know about law, End of Life Options Act ...

Details on the Right to Information Act of 2008 End of Life in California passed. ... .Contains procedure in which a lot of information disseminated by the law as the nature of the complaints of the Act and similar legislation passed or pending in other states provided. ... .DefinitionThe Right to End of Life Options Act is know a law that was passed in California in 2008, is the choice of treatment and care available to terminally ill patients and their families.The law defines patients and families asking ability. Consultations on the .available options. .surrounding method of pain management to the provision of food during the last phase of a terminal illness.Examples ProceduresOne such a measure on which the law calls for. For information about patients is palliative sedation, to make the use of sedatives to an unconscious patient .. .as a technique for pain management in terminal cases.Information developed a process that often summarized by the law is the voluntary decision. VSED eat or drink. ... .According to this method selects a terminally ill patient not to take food or fluids to simultaneously receive medication for pain, until the end to know the law life.How WorksThe right. End of Life Options Act in California, in legislation. .adopted was determined that when a doctor diagnoses a patient with an incurable disease, "the provider of health care. the patient's request to provide patients with comprehensive information and offer advice on legal options for the end of life. ."If the supplier. .However, to provide this information, the law requires the provider to refer the patient to another professional. Health, which give data on such late-life options.The law goes further, however, said the health system in California. .Process information on palliative care, and the other end of life pain and related procedures, as something to be taught in the training of health professionals -. A "well integrated" in the conventional medical treatment. ."Every physician. School in California is required to address the problems of palliative care are in the end of his program," says the law, and every doctor in California is required to end of life care training. "Detail. PassageThe .right. .Know End of Life Options Act passed by the Senate in California, 20th .August 2008. ... .The California Assembly passed the law on 28 .August. ... .According to the website of options at the end of life of compassion and advocacy Colorado Choices "on the final vote, most Democrats and Republicans supported the governor against Arnold Schwarzenegger all Act.California., A Republican, signed the Act into force on Sept ... 30, 2008.Similar LegislationSince passage Right End of Life Options Act California voters approved a similar initiative - the Death with Dignity Act .- in Washington in November 2008. ... .Legislation parallel the content of the law in Oregon is considered 2009.Objections measurement ActThe California and other efforts of similar legislation in 2008 to find out, act directly at the end of life options has caused some controversy .. ... .Critics opposed to methods such as VSED say it is comparable to physician-assisted suicide, "writes Kevin B.. O'Reilly 7th .July 2008, in American Medical News. ... .O'Reilly noted that the American Medical Association approved the measure in June 2008, but refers to a VSED "practice rarely used." ActCompassion support in the election and claims that advocates within the profession. California medical care .guarantees the information and decisions. .conferred by the Act of 2008 on End of Life Act to find options. ... ."All Californians should have access to the best possible care at the end of life, the purpose of this law," said Dr. Charles von Gunten, provost of the Institute for Palliative Medicine. San Diego Hospice. ... ."This is a breakthrough in relations between dying patients and their doctors. .. This promotes the best medical care. ."...

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