Monday, January 3, 2011

How: filling out an application of citizens

Application for citizenship consists of 10 pages. It covers all aspects of your personal information such as age, address where you were born, and if you are married or single. The application consists of difficult issues, but it takes much time with so many sites. It consists of 14 sections. It is not necessary only questions to yourself but your spouse if you are married.Difficulty: EasyInstructions1Begin filling out of the first page that consists of a part 1 and part 2. Part a questions ask your legal name, your name as your permanent resident card and a change of name appears, if you never changed. It also asks if you want to change your name. In the two part must choose one of the four questions concerning the status of permanent residence, the you. 2Answer part fits three questions on page 2. There are questions about the social security number, date of birth and the date you are now a permanent resident. There are problems except the country of destination which you were born and the country of nationality. You need your marital status, if your parents citizens are and choose you know. This section addresses also on if you have a disability. Part 4 on page 2 and call your address, telephone number and e-Mail address. 3Go on page 3. This covers parts 5 and 6. In part 5, you must fill your size and weight with your hair and eye color. You need to fill if you are male or female, with what race you. In part 6 fill where you have lived for the last five years and where you have worked in the last five years. If you randomly to school have visited and does not work, you need to fill that school visited and how loNG. 4Know how often you leave the country. In part 7 on page 4, he asked several questions about the amount of time you outside the country for the pastspent five years. For example, have you spent more than 24 hours Onoter country? Must the empty spaces on what date you links and the day the you again to fill. You should also check whether the trip was routing for six months. Part 8 continues to drag information from your marital status. This must not be, completed however, if you have never married. You need to know if your spouse was born and the number of social security as well 5Continue on page 5. This will be the rest part 8. Request detailed information about your spouse. Know if your spouse is citizens, name, immigrant become married status and how many times were the spouse. If your spouse is a citizen can other FAQs page. ignore 6Look on page 6 points 9 and 10. Answer the questions as to whether you have children. You need your name and where you were born. If you are adults, then you have to write your current address. Part 10 answer Yes or no to questions concerning the right to vote and control. Show it to federal taxes with vote 7Go on pages 7, 8 and 9 for the remainder of 10 are charged. On these pages, you must respond if you have a Communist group or terrorists in the past or a group of people, to overthrow the Government was encouraged. There are three questions that are specifically relating to the Nazi party. Be sure to recover on the questions relating to taxes and your criminal record. These are all indispensable be considered citizens. On page 9 are more "answer Yes or no" frequently asked questions about the military and deportation. At the end of part 10, you've got an oath to submit. This can respond to questions about the Constitution and in accordance with the laws of the federal government. 8Answer require questions to the last page. TeiLe 11,12,13 and 14 are on this page. You must log on to the citizenship application is accurate. If you make someone AidéRemplissez, you must complete part 12. Part 13 require the signature of the Director of the U.S. citizenship and immigration services (USCIS) and your signature again. And finally, to print your signature, you must then log you agree to take the oath of loyalty.

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