Wednesday, January 5, 2011

As a citizen of the Belize

Belize is a tropical country situated on the shore of the Caribbean, embedded between the Mexico and the Guatemala. It has a high ratio cost level of life and a unique blend of Central America and Caribbean culture. In many other countries, won the citizenship is a relatively simple procedure and easy to a citizen of Belize detailed affair.The in part III of the Constitution and Belize Belize is Belize, nationality act with process by the Faculty of the nationality of the Belize Defense.Difficulty national and Immigration Department carried out: moderately EasyInstructionsThings need: personal information residence in Belize $50,000 (economic citizenship) is a source of income for the Belize (if you not dependent) Procedure1The first step to a citizen of Belize is determine if you qualify for citizenship without an application. This includes all the born Belize has at least one parent, a citizen children, grandchildren and spouses of Belize citizens born before 21 September 1981, and life in its independence from the 1948 2To request British Nationality Act before Belize United Kingdom topics is necessary for someone else. However, those who have lived in the country for five consecutive years, live plan in the country and are considered a strong spirit be and character of the Department of citizenship and immigration, citizenship at the end of their application. 3 remains "Economic citizenship" available for who has rendered outstanding service or has made a significant contribution to the economy of the country that is currently a minimum investment of $50,000. Economic citizens enjoy full citizenship rights except voting privileges, even if you not Belize taxes 4Registration UnterliegenStaatsbürgerschaft is availableügbar for those, for a period of more than one year, Belize plan life in the country who are determined, a strong spirit and character are lived by the Department of citizenship and immigration. The request is then determined after the presentation on the passage of the five criteria: If the applicant of reputation. If the applicant of any crime with a sentence of 12 months; sentenced in another country If the applicant seems unlikely to commit crimes after become a citizen; If bankruptcy by the applicant in another country. and if the applicant is a profession if it is currently dependent on someone else. 5After completed step 2, 3 or 4, applicants must take the following oath officially citizens. «I, [name of the applicant] «, do solemnly and sincerely say and explain that I faithful and bear true allegiance Belize, her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, their heirs and successors in accordance with the law, and that I will faithfully observe and the Constitution and the laws of the Belize and conscientiously abide to fulfill my duties as a citizen of Belize.»»

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