Saturday, January 1, 2011

As u.s. citizenship without

If dual citizenship or mainly abroad living keep, should renounce your U.S. citizenship. Renunciation of citizenship can be motivated by financial or political factors. To ensure that your U.S. citizenship, which officially invalidated explains you formally renounce your citizenship of the United States Embassy or Consulate by signing an oath to a U.S. diplomatic or consular agents. You must place at least 14 years of your nationality. After American citizenship is canceled, you will be allowed reverse to the renunciation.Difficulty: ModerateInstructionsThings you need: American citizenshipU.S. PassportProof residing abroad or intention of the United States as a AlienCitizenship from another country (wise) 1Obtain citizenship of another country if possible type. A second citizenship is not required, become stateless, if you American citizenship without hold citizenship of another country. You are by a Government, are not eligible, protected a passport from any country. You can also check out reentering the United States, if not for a visa. prevents 2Locate nearest United States Embassy or Consulate in your area come be (see resources). Note that not in the position to give your citizenship in the United States. According to the immigration and Nationality Act, citizens who abandon American citizenship must be to determine 3Contact, the Embassy or Consulate if you can see giving your citizenship in a foreign country. Ask the Bureau when an appointment is required or you can arise during working hours. Agree SIe an appointment required. 4Bring your U.S. passport and proof of residence or the evidence which intention the accession of the United States as a third-party at the Embassy or the Consulate of your appointment or walk-in hours. Inform him of your intention to abandon your citizenship for a suitable agent you. 5Sign can help an oath of renunciation before unU.S. consular or diplomatic agent. The signing of the oath, acknowledge that all rights us and that this law cannot abandon are be reversed. 6 Surrender your U.S. passport to the consular or diplomatic agent for the cancellation. Of give up your citizenship you are not authorized to travel abroad as a U.S. passport. reject 7Wait for decision by the U.S. State Department to honor or your request for the waiver. If your application is approved, the loss of nationality of the United States Government get a certificate. Citizenship is not legally until you receive this certificate.

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