Saturday, January 1, 2011

European common fisheries policy ...

The European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy governs fishing methods and the fishing industry in the European Union. ... .AreasThe Common Fisheries Policy Common Fisheries Policy shall ensure the right of the fishermen of the Member States of the EU to fish in the waters of the EU - irrespective coast.Fishing the rights of the individual limits for EU countries, except for the first 12 miles of each European QuotasAs conservation measures. .. .Common fisheries policy mandates a series of quotas on the total allowable catch by type of fish, and the requirement for documentation. Catches. ... .Each EU country is given annually to fisheries quota.OrganizationThe Common Fisheries Policy is a policy at European level, but it is coordinated by the Fisheries Control Agency in Vigo. Spain. ... .In addition, seven regional councils make recommendations to the European Commission on the basis of the fishing conditions and developments in their respective countries areas.International AgreementsThe Common Fisheries Policy, the EU's negotiations with third countries include. For bilateral and multilateral partnership and Fisheries ....

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