Thursday, February 23, 2012

Talk: thoughts on money

Talk: thoughts on money

June 20, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

Our country is in an era of great change, everyone in the impetuous. And impetuous, is because everyone is ' rush to pursue interests always resorted to money. Of course, everyone wants to earn good money's purpose may also vary. A considerable number of people for money, by hook or by crook, to money and open your own and other people's privacy. Means of making money is also the Eight Immortals each demonstrating his skill, crazy speculations, packaging, fried did, corruption, bribery, Rob, when mistress, had betrayed the body, and so on, in short is a word: money. Some people make money in order to survive and survive, someone is making money and making money, it was to make money for a cool, someone to glory and making money, can be said to make money with a variety of reasons. Chinese society into "money worship" era. This is an era of money as a totem. Because in this new era of social transformation, as long as you have money, you can do things they want to do. However, everything has a dual character. This thing actually is, never leave it as is something only for the benefit of people. I think this stuff is King eight eggs, probably cause degeneration of the East. Money can bring you happiness, may also get you confused. Nothing has a dual nature, money is the same.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sea sand of the poetic King

Sea sand of the poetic King

June 21, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

Default language on heart and magic,

Lampoon poem,

Free emotions raging waves,

Wave turbulence tidal stretching continuously,

Enunciates is endless.

Language falling hearts APE,

Dream like a thousand,

Pour Saint read writings left behind by the deceased,

Saint calligraphic said,

I made drunk.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Topics: cycle of human nature

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Zatan: human cycle </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 21 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> .<wbr> </ P> <P> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> person who flat, Yong, and wanted irritable; person who irritated, dry, and wanted thrilled; person who lost, .drunk, and wanted a pain; people if the pain, suffering, and wanted to forget him; person who forgot to go, wanted to ask for a; a person who claims to, and wanted to do it again; people .If you do, wrong, wanted to repent; person who has been bored, wanted to give up; person who put, abandoned, and again a mediocrity. .</ P>.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Huan River yarn "No Title".

<P ALIGN="center"> Huan River yarn "Untitled" </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 22 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> ancient events are initially not asked, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> people to suffer for life without the world. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> desolately long step journey, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> melancholy yo long dream. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> then turned back look promising, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> ye worthy of helpless frustration house. .</ P>.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

China's dependence on foreign oil will exceed 50% of the warning line is hit?.

China's dependence on foreign oil will exceed 50% of the warning line is hit? .Fu Yi Chinese net-Shanghai, China China's crude oil imports for May compared to April to reduce 200 million tons, China University of Petroleum Economics and Management, told this reporter Dong Xiucheng, vice president, said the import of crude oil per month is not necessarily the same .This is a normal fluctuation, in fact, May crude oil exports decreased by 3 million tons. ."China's demand for oil growing steadily, 50% of external dependence is inevitable breakthrough." Dai Yande pointed out that with China's rapid economic growth, the increase in oil imports will probably continue for a long time the situation. .<B STYLE="FONT-FAMILY:"> ....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Miscellaneous Poems: bored driving.

<P ALIGN="center"> Miscellaneous Poems: boring driving </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 24 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> < ./ P> <P ALIGN="center"> Ming Tombs last home village north of the city, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> this ancient city at the western suburbs. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> leisurely drive from Chang Ling, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> leisure quarter to be Beijing. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> car video to follow the air flow to, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> with my heart rather chic .. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> advise you blame car disordered Mo, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> you I hate only people anestrus. .</ P>.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Zatan: Scholars and the media.

<wbr> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center" ALIGN="center"> <B STYLE="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Zatan: Scholars and the media </ P .> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center" ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 24 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <wbr .> </ P> <P STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> scholars, what is the relationship with the media? .Answer this question, is not easy, the answer may be varied. .From my years of experience, academics and the media are mutually reinforcing relationship. .Scholars need to exert their influence through the media, otherwise the sound is difficult to governments, enterprises and public knowledge. .Media is also inseparable from academics, the media who want to throw any ideas to attract the public's eye or cause a great sensation, it basically must rely on the reputation and influence of scholars, with the "expert" authority of that matter, to improve the high point of view .to avoid being accused of human lowly public and not worth mentioning and so on. .The question is whether the statements of scholars accurately expressed by the media, or the media can reflect the original intent of scholars, whether out of context, break off both ends, exaggerated, exaggeration and so infinite. .The reality is that scholars need the media, and scholars worried about misinterpretation intention. .The media need to academics, scholars and concerned enough to cause a great sensation of speech, lack of speech does not itch, hurt influence. .</ P>.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mr Chen announced his resignation in the petrochemical job to a sudden change of doubt Lightning.

Mr Chen announced his resignation in the petrochemical job to a sudden change of doubt Enorth Lightning - Tianjin, China China Petroleum University, Dong Xiucheng, vice president of Business Administration also held the same view, "such a big state-owned Sinopec, is not equivalent to a small general .company. " .Sinopec, the company's mode of operation that a greater degree of macroeconomic policy to adapt to the country, its direction can not be replaced because of a job candidate and have a big change. ."I can even infer that there will not be too large fluctuations in the stock market." Dong Xiucheng that the supply of oil to China will not be much affected. .<B STYLE="FONT-FAMILY:"> ....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Like a Dream "Storm".

<wbr> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> <B STYLE = "mso-bidi-font-weight: normal" .> Like a Dream "Storm" </ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center" ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 25 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P CLASS = ."MsoPlainText" STYLE = "TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN = "center"> <wbr> </ P> <P CLASS = "MsoPlainText" STYLE = "TEXT-ALIGN: center .; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt "ALIGN =" center "> spring Lost Large, </ P> <P CLASS =" MsoPlainText "STYLE =" TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: .0pt "ALIGN =" center "> Hot Summer Pro-liter Capitol. .</ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> see where the moisture? .</ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> drive under the drive side rings. .</ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> the car world, </ P> <P CLASS = "MsoPlainText ."STYLE =" TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt "ALIGN =" center "> Black condensate groups such as hanging. .</ P>.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Zatan: talk blog.

<wbr> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center" ALIGN="center"> <B STYLE="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Zatan: talk blog </ P .> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="TEXT-ALIGN: center" ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 25 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P CLASS = "MsoPlainText" STYLE = "TEXT-ALIGN: .center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt "ALIGN =" center "> <wbr> </ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="mso-line-height-alt: 0pt"> <wbr> < .wbr> <wbr> people do not know who is calling the first to be translated into BLOG blog, it seems that this is just a transliteration, because the Chinese language is difficult to intuitively understand its meaning. .Blog is a new thing, but has shown a sweeping trend in China, showing its strong vitality. .A few days ago, with a few friends to chat, talk about blog. .Friends asked me why I blog, I was hard to answer, or answered very fully. .In fact, until now, I can not explain my motivation and reasons to blog. .I just remember that last April, and occasionally read the news in Sina, see someone else's blog. .I find it interesting, while he usually had the habit of writing things, so to free up its own blog. .Write a little something, but nobody cares. .Some feel depressed mood, do not feel convinced, I hope your blog can be attractive. .So, send text messages to a few friends, telling them that I registered the blog, I hope they have time to look at. .Later, it seems that people who read my blog increased recently, and I also write a blog full of interest. .That being said, the blog still need someone to read. .Imagine if no one reads my blog, perhaps I would have died down a. .Looking back, I think when he started writing blog mainly want people to focus, or that there are still a little "narcissistic atmosphere." .I can guess who read my blog some people should include the following: my students, some friends, journalists, some occasional entrants. .No matter who, whether they shout, whether positive comments, in short, because there are these people on it, I can stick with it. .Of course, no blog, I will still continue to write things, which is long-established habits. .However, thanks to blog, I write things may be more keen interest in the. .No blog, I will stay in the notebook computer paper. .And now have a blog, my article will also remain in the notebook computer and blog, so then add the backup. .My article, some posted on the blog, but some seem to always stay in the notebook computer. .Blog directly to the public, only to face their own laptop computers. .Now, almost every day I have to look into your own blog, but also used to enter someone else's blog to see. .Whether a professional blog site, or the number of portals, professional websites, are from a different angle blog attention. .I occasionally visit this blog to all the famous sites, logs, a wide variety of views, feelings description, study and life, fresh and elegant, news commentary, etc., blogger and passionate emotion and focus on our own or others, concerned about things, satirical, though .different style, variety, strange, but ultimately the performance is the truth. .I think blog is mainly to find their own show, is a manifestation of desire. .Now think about it, and I wrote the blog, like many, are in fact true in the dirt trying to show my thoughts, put aside the hustle and bustle on earth, would like to have a clean room to relax the mind, is looking for a kind of self-expression .way. .</ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="mso-line-height-alt: 0pt"> <wbr> </ P>.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poppy "poem lamenting".

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Poppy "poem lamenting" </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 27 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> .<wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> how broken melancholy poems like, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> turn drive the waves of my heart. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> wonderful a laugh rather hard for me, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> years after reciting the ancient past and present. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> ancient times past are gray do, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> name Lee kept walking shadow .. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> residual sentence down wind travel poetry and literature, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> ancient cherish this I'm tired sigh no power to the. .</ P>.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Zatan: scholars and the public.

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Zatan: scholars and the public </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 6 27 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> .<wbr> </ P> <P> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> scholars by means of the media, not the ultimate purpose of the media, it's just an expression platform. .In fact, many of the media is behind the public, scholars, speaking in the media, in the final analysis showed the public to speak. .Most scholars worked at universities and research institutions, salaries and research funds mainly come from the state revenue and some enterprises, the State or the public to support the scholars. .In this sense, scholars should tell the public through various channels of their own in what exactly to study to what extent, the conclusion is, this is also the right of obligation. .<wbr> but the reality is not the case, scholars are not aware of funding from the public, and directly felt the funds were derived from a unit organization or foundation, is a kind of "salary." .Therefore, the scholars do not seem to be accountable to the public, do not need to communicate to the public, as public interest issues, of course it appears less important. .This is a real problem, but also a contradiction. .Because of this, there is only between the public and the scholars of this or that misunderstanding. .</ P>.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Recently established national oil reserve center will serve as director or Yangliang Song.

Recently established national oil reserve center will serve as director Yang Liangsong or Sina-Beijing, China "on the strategic oil reserve management should be separating the voice of the community have already been made." China Petroleum University, Associate Dean of Business Administration yesterday Dong Xiucheng .said to be set up national oil reserve center can learn from the U.S. approach. .Dong Xiucheng, said the United States is responsible for the management of strategic oil reserves will be based on market conditions the company, took out a small part of the oil replacement, in order to maintain the company's operating profit. .If this part of the income sufficient to maintain the government will use the funds subsidies..

Sunday, January 29, 2012

China's oil reserve to accelerate the increase in investment Jinsan Cheng.

China's oil reserve to accelerate the increase in investment Jinsan Cheng Sing Tao Global Network-China Petroleum University of China, vice president of Business Administration, said Dong Xiucheng, soon set up a national oil reserve center can learn from the U.S. approach. .Dong Xiucheng, said the United States is responsible for the management of strategic oil reserves will be based on market conditions the company, took out a small part of the oil replacement, in order to maintain the company's operating profit. .If this part of the income sufficient to maintain the government will use the funds subsidies. .Sing Tao Global Network Disclaimer: this site is only for investors in the article and does not constitute investment advice. .<B STYLE="FONT-FAMILY:"> ....

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Miscellaneous Poems: think mother.

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Miscellaneous Poems: think mother </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 7 月 1 day / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> < .wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> mother abandoned as early as Ben Xijiang, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> desolate melancholy night a Confucian independence. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> think fame story, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> maternal tears had the most grief. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> traveled the world over five states, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> I always miss .home. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> from home feeling more bold, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> remain unnamed stream fragrance name. .</ P>.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Zatan: scholars and social responsibility.

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Zatan: scholars and social responsibility </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 7 月 1 day / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN = "center" .> <wbr> </ P> <P> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> scholars who specialized scholarship groups, whose primary responsibility is to study the issues, identify problems and problem-solving, independent views on social issues. .Scholars should be reflected in the behavior of the main independence, its research questions, think knowledge should be established in their own judgments on the basis of independent views. .In recent years, scholars, particularly scholars of economics important responsibility borne by the public and the media attention level is high, but the voice of criticism is very high. .I can not question the individual economists on whether the public views, but I think from the economist if the autonomy and independence, their behavior and speech will naturally have a negative impact. .If the economists can be based on scientific knowledge to social and economic problems for the object, to think as a starting point, their behavior and speech, if not in line with the interests of certain interest groups do not meet government, business, public opinion, it is .normal, absolutely beyond reproach. .Scholars should be concerned about society, people's livelihood, countries of concern, concern for equity, advocating justice, this is social responsibility. .Ancient China "who" to the world as any, proposed to "first and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy." .The modern scholar should be a "social conscience" of the messenger is "fair, just and open the value of the defenders." .At present, how the social responsibility of scholars, is the core of the problem. .If you want to achieve genuine social responsibility scholars, the Chief of learning problems must be solved. .Now quite common phenomenon, is a strong sense of academic politics, places well, often sealed with an official post, which generally manifested in scientific research institutions and colleges. .Scholars basic mission is to go with their academic achievements in the role of services in the community, only to maintain their own independent scholar, academic standing position to speak, it may be objective, they are not to be swayed by the reality of the immediate interests only .Bu Zhiyu drift. .Once the politicians and scholars to have changed the role of identity, has become a politician or advocacy of public opinion at home, hard to say he was a real scholar. .I am not against academics in politics, but if you are in politics, and your identity in relation to change. .I agree that academics should be calm and self-sustaining, self-confident, stick to his study, the scholarship for the first duty, and only so can take a good social responsibility. .</ P>.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bo Suanzi "street trouble".

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Bo Suanzi "street trouble" </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 7 月 1 day / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN = "center" .> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> Yin calendar sad songs go, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> written language by Fun to, </ P> <P ALIGN = "center ."> glory Pepsi ears of wind, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> Jun ankle worse than silly. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> chic with Chungui, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> tone poem to welcome winter. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> lonely when the sad tears, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> still smell Street downtown. .</ P>.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Zatan: Sino-US energy cooperation is an inevitable trend.

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Zatan: Sino-US energy cooperation is an inevitable trend </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 7 月 3 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN = ."center"> <wbr> </ P> <P> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> recent years on energy issues become global issues. .The United States is the world's largest oil consumer, imports of oil over 600 million tons per year, in fact, supporting the International Petroleum United States nationals in the high quality of modern life. .China is the world's second largest oil consumer, imported oil more than 130 million tons per year, and the rate of consumption and imports will increase. .Therefore, the two countries compete for oil resources in the world to become the talk of politicians and economists. .Sino-US mutual suspicion, mutual complaints, and even mutual accusations. .Some American scholars and politicians accuse China of Africa and South America's foreign policy, even in the so-called "new colonialism" expansion, where the goal is to get the oil resources. .China is increasingly worried about the American people in the international competition for oil resources, and they separated oil "cake", which may lead to reduced quality of life, so disgusted with the majority of Chinese foreign policy component. .I worked with senior U.S. government energy think tank contact with each other exchanged views on the issue. .In the U.S. academic community, the existence of two distinct views: one is that the U.S. energy conflict is inevitable, sooner or later, of an energy war. .Second, the United States must work together to face the energy challenge, we can solve the problem. .Similarly, there are also similar to the academic community in the country two voices. .I am an optimist, I do not think China and the U.S. war would break out of energy, instead of Sino-US energy cooperation is an inevitable trend, because it conforms to the common interests of both countries. .Energy has become a global issue, the efforts of one country alone can not properly deal with global energy crisis, the US-China cooperation can win. .The two countries are facing the challenges of energy security and price risk, the two countries cooperation in the energy field is important, but the conflict can not solve the problem, but will make the problem more complicated. .Common problems facing both sides is dwindling domestic oil resources and energy supply. .In order to compete for oil resources and engage in confrontation and conflict, is absolutely short-sighted behavior is only to enhance cooperation to meet common energy crisis facing the world, mutually beneficial cooperation, to be able to win. .Can be said that Sino-US energy security issue is whether the healthy development of Sino-US relations. .The senior U.S. think-tanks have asked me this question: "In the Chinese energy experts, in line with your point of view how many people? Your point of view is the mainstream? Are affect the decision-makers in Zhongnanhai?" I laughed and replied: ."I find it difficult to judge, but I firmly believe that my view is correct." .</ P> <P> <wbr> </ P>.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Miscellaneous Poems: Dream.

<wbr> <P ALIGN="center"> Miscellaneous Poems: Dream </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> 2007 年 7 月 3 / Dong Xiucheng </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr .> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> hazy night turmoil, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> shadow hovering floating body floating body. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> without dementia eyes look, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> Zuiwo luxury bed before collapsing. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> <wbr> </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> willow-shaded green grass, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> Zhongnanhai door before the event .column. .</ P> <P ALIGN="center"> walk through the red walls of the hospital trance, </ P> <P ALIGN="center"> to go I still dream of yellow grain. .</ P>.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Topics: self portrait

Topics: self portrait

July 6, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

In the bustling city, I was an ordinary person, I or someone I put a "well-known oil economy expert" title. Walking in the street, I was a vulgar, nobody will notice me who is also. After all, I was an ugly town of Pouilly, right? Years, I walk Yu Huaxia Earth, footprint throughout South, tentacles reaching world five continents, run project, and check contract, and research, and advisory, and speech, and report, and lecture, hard journey, air to, air to, today to here, tomorrow and to there, mouth dry tongue noise, everywhere published those seems to is "is has views" and actually is "nonsense" of views and remarks. Media reporters constantly, television, radio, newspapers and magazines often have my sight and sound, I actually don't know how much value I said in the end. My work is very heavy, administrative, teaching, research, social activities, and so on, I felt overwhelmed, meet only in the helpless. My life more and more modern, social interaction, accept an invitation to dinner, eat, drink tea and a chat, please, though sometimes reluctant, but I come as little surprise. Old friends in order to maintain, to meet new friends. Foreign businessmen and academics, through various channels, active to see me, to exchange ideas with me. Domestic entrepreneurs of State-owned, privately owned, there are foreign companies, to make friends with me. Remember that at a meeting in Yunnan, the facilitator to introduce to the audience I, say I was "famous for oil experts". I heart spasm, between trance and some drifted, I do not watch out became "famous" it? Think about it, my years of work and life, it has undergone some changes, but definitely does not meet "famous" level. I am not a academia "too", not business "giant", and certainly not Arts "Jorum", how "famous" saying? Should said, I House has has, car open has, tickets more has, does not worry eat has, does not worry wear has, delicacies from land and sea replaced has silver child fish, "routine" replaced has "eat a meal dumplings even is improve life", guests speech of appearance fee multiplied growth, "Xia tread on" Deluxe Hotel replaced has "stay" hostel, driving car replaced has riding bike, "invited guests" replaced has "joins representative", and so on. Nevertheless, I still have a self-awareness after all, I was "I", work and life have changed, but "I" has not changed. Saying well said "man your self-awareness", I must hold its own, will never grasp "himself was an ordinary man" of reality, I am a university teacher, one of loyalty to the party's educational "teacher", a "human souls engineer."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Magnolia reduction of the efficiency of the

Magnolia reduction of the efficiency of the

July 6, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

Lee white fame,

Predatory fall breaking.

Community scale,

Intensive human WINS.

Few people can see,

Holy books the classic charm.

All things not greedy,

Past lives this natural joy of dust.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

National Petroleum Reserve Center preparation listing

Concerning the financial sector of national oil reserve Center preparatory-Beijing,China7 3rd, Vice President of the College of business administration from China University of petroleum Dong Xiucheng to reporter road from their point of view. National development and Reform Commission said reserve Center will refer to the operation of the State reserve grain and cotton storage modes of operation. For ten years for State reserve grain and cotton storage practices, its reserves of experience advantages it goes without saying that reserve centers might have references. However, Dong Xiucheng believes that reserve Center is the same as State grain, established by the State Council of State-owned large and medium-sized key contact enterprises policy, which is...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

States delaying petrochemical giant hard to blame

States delaying petrochemical giant hard to blame car leader-Beijing,China oil expert, Professor, China University of petroleum Dong Xiucheng analysis, PetroChina, Sinopec should have States of oil supply in many big cities, because Beijing will implement next year IV, two major oil groups have commitments for Beijing ⅳ fuel suppliers on time is the best example. Dong Xiucheng believes present circumstances are confined to the national level the refinery cannot and does not align PetroChina, Sinopec in unison, "the local refinery is not large, but there is a lot", policies can only be considered...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Talk: midnight dream

Talk: midnight dream

July 9, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

Year after year, so fast. And student party is about to leave the school, many, very deep feelings. Several hours later, I was not aware of. Home, interest still. Bored, sat on a sofa and enjoy TV shows, nothing, some irritation. Midnight time has entered, I felt trapped, thoughts or recollections flashing across one ' s mind even 翩 to sit in the living room. Neighbor's House light is already off, has been invisible pedestrian courtyard, vehicles roar in the distance is also gone. Turn off the TV, surrounded by quiet, static apnea let me, make me a great flutter. The night seems like a trickle of water, from the side move about quietly, softly singing, lingering like a lullaby. Dust slowly floating, like a flap flap careless flower, although I can't see, but there seems to feel it. I lost my eyes, mind the night was very dark, full of very dark flower, no light all around the body, are gloomy. Where the colorful glory gone, dazzling neon lights have disappeared, colorful and ornate stage noisy downtown in sight. In the dark, I slowly go to sleep, to dream. In the dream, the Moon quietly shades on the Earth, I feel the world dry and cold. I came to another world, came to the idea of a silent world, a world in which static had I Ried. On the streets, have very crowded passengers and traffic flow, low, there are large and modern buildings, but did not hear the noise of the city that I am familiar with the sound. Moonlight penetrated Interior, very beautiful, bright and shining. In the night, a group of children playing in the happy, smile happily. I looked at them, to come to them, a mind at ease. They did not seem to care about me, still playing, still viewed with great interest, in defiance of my approach. Yes, they are after all the children, and I have entered old age. I am old, I'm still dissatisfied with the old, I'm the same. I want to play with them, happy and enjoy life together. I feel is the middle of the body, but are the children of the mind. Suddenly, the dark space, I can't see everything around. Children ran where, why not me, why suddenly disappear? A cloud of hype and quickly floated over from afar, my boring abnormal pressure, breathe. At the same time, there are thousands around staring at my eyes, suddenly out exception bright flame, burn into pieces my body. I got to become a light smoke, filled and circled in the air, gradually dispersed. This is a dream, wake up time I no sleep.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Miscellaneous poem: Untitled

Miscellaneous poem: Untitled

July 11, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

Scholars out of Xia Wen,

Students fear tidal potato fly.

No air is stuffy West Hill Road,

Qizhi night converted to hard.

Night thoughts dance with the wind,

Tonight emotion with clouds.

Footprint wandering Red Dust road,

Smile you why fame.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Topics: teacher of shame and regret

Topics: teacher of shame and regret

July 11, 2007/Dong Xiucheng

In recent years, I almost turned into a machine, endless running and busy, but did not feel anything produced products. Time is busy mid off, before you know it, I have entered "without doubt" of the year, experience more, experience more, feeling deeply, thinking more complex. Thinking of confusion become life personality, thought disorder, seems to be no coherent. Research topics come one after another, one field report went, and media interview after another, far apart from each other, all corners, I be hard put to cope with the situation. I'm a bit annoyed, depressed, some reluctantly, because I seem to have changed the role, I was a teacher? The students are lovely, although some of them childish and naive, but I also have with them the same, there have been naive to the maturing process. I have no time to them, is not responsible, there is no "preaching" to them, even "shouye" is also something to deal with. Students rushed me to, full of expectations, but I do not accept their expectations, most students cannot become disciples, show it is disappointing and regrettable. Even those who are keen disciple of my artistry and the number of harvested? I can't give them knowledge, no time to build capacity for them, I just leave them be a senseless so-called proud. Disciples team has a very big, I cannot say how much I trained students, students, student, I would contact them less, this teacher? Busiest travel, endless entertainment, a large number of social activities, which took me a lot of time and effort, that I lost many were supposed to belong to the opportunity to teach. After much deliberation, I feel ashamed in front of students, I feel ashamed, regrets.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Economic observer reported: on the issue of oil prices

Economic observer reported: on the issue of oil priceson July 12, 2007, I as an expert on the economic observer network and online moderator and users to explore the issue of oil prices, the network address are as follows: