Monday, February 14, 2011

What are the benefits of 18? ...

Becoming 18 is a huge turning point in your life. ... .Than 18 years old, you have many rights and obligations more --- even more. ... .If you are aware of these rights and obligations, you better be prepared to face the future with confidence and be able to have fun without being in difficulties. ... .BuyingWriting work and a check (muresan113, A 18-year-old you can work without rules or special permission from your parents. ... .You can rent an apartment and real estate for sale (even if you do not rent a car). ... .You can make a driver's license without restrictions. ... .According to the California Bar, "you can now sign contracts, open bank accounts and credit cards on your own .." It also means that you or your parents are responsible to pay your bills. Your obligations.Alcohol, tobacco and .drug snow you're 18, you can legally smoke (even if it's a bad habit). ... .It is for you to give tobacco to a minor illegal. ... .Now that you're 18 if you illegal drugs, the consequences can be serious because if you're a young person under the law could cut you should have some wiggle room. ... .According to the rules of the school, you could again be in trouble if you take drugs or drink.Sex and MarriageYoung pair (Thomason, It is now legal for you. With consensual sex. .with another person over 18 years. ... .It's sex with someone under 18 if he or she is your husband or wife illegally for you. ... .It is still illegal, even if that person your girlfriend or boyfriend, and he or she consented. ... .The exact laws vary from state to state. ... .You can now get married without your parents LawNow permission.Criminal calendar and you're 18, you can sue someone in court. ... .It also means that you can be prosecuted. ... .You can complain or civil liability for something that is not a crime to court. ... .If you commit a crime, you will not be able to get away or go to juvenile hall. ... .If a criminal is sentenced, you have the right to legal counsel and will be presented with a free, court-appointed lawyer who you can not afford your own.Voting DutyVoting and jury (by ". ProLife, http:/ ./ www. Now that you're 18, can you vote. .. You are not obliged to choose, but choose when you want to make sure the register before the election. .. You can also serve on a jury, if you like. .'Re understanding a U.S. citizen and English. .. You have to appear for jury (although if you're there, you could be excused), and your employer must give you time off for jury duty. .. If you are a man, you need to register. .Selective Service ....

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