Monday, February 7, 2011

Unequal treatment and discrimination of age ...

The relationship between age discrimination and differential treatment is a controversial topic. ... .The concept of discrimination is based on the simple discrimination: negative treatment because of variables such as age or race. ... .Age discrimination is somewhat complicated by the fact that it refers to the chronological age, not seniority. ... .With this difference, age cases also concern that may be of service very complicated. ... .TypesDisparate treatment is fairly simple, but an idea is highly correlated, the different effects is another matter. ... .Disparate impact refers to an otherwise neutral policy caused the violation to a particular class. ... .The goal here is not to discriminate, but the result of the policy is to isolate one class over another. ... .For example, given that people with skills to better services more customer service functions. ... .But if it happens that older workers are more gentle with people, then they are placed disproportionately in relations with customers often difficult positions. ... .Although the intention is not discrimination, the burden of the customer relationship now passed over most of the U.S. federal government employees.FunctionThe discrimination disappeared because of the age in employment Act 1967th ... .Its purpose is to protect people over 40 years old. ... .The law was on downsizing firms of older workers (who have won more often) get rid of forced to adopt policies directed retirement and especially to candidates for age.Smith reject c .. .. JacksonThe landmark case dealing with two disparate impact. .Discriminatory treatment and age was the Smith, C. 2005. City Jackson. ... .The city of Jackson, Mississippi was salary increases for younger officers to recruit and retain more police officers. ... .While all officers receive salary increases, the new recruits had the largest share of the salary. ... .The share of wages, young officers who have less than five years on the hand will receive a larger increase than older officers. ... .The old suit both claim different effects and the City of Jackson treatment.SignificanceThe succeeded, but with some reservations. ... .First made it clear that the claim was legitimate disproportionate effect in the case of age discrimination. ... .This was not the case of 1967 to 2005. ... .The reason the city won the lawsuit was that the issue was a question of seniority, age is not as such. ... .Therefore, the Court held that if the seniority issue, then age is irrelevant, even if it is more common for older workers to be higher than younger ones.FeaturesAs of 2010. The law for the age discrimination now includes the ability .the prosecution on both. .disparate impact and that different treatment is based. ... .Although the Smith case, not for older officers, he created a precedent for the case of impacts in the future. ... .Case, the different treatment has proven intent, but if any impact to require proof of coercion, regardless of intent. ... .In the case of age, as the case of Smith, seniority, proved to be indeed highly correlated with age, breaks down the impact ....

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