Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How: respond to a complaint to the Commission

As employers have an obligation to comply with the law on equal opportunities. This means that you no negative decision or otherwise, based on race, sex, age, disability or religion employees. If an employee feels that you discriminated against him for an illegal reason, he can file a line against you with the equal employment opportunity Commission. Commission response to a complaint is a serious matter. He took not lightly.Difficulty: moderately ChallengingInstructions1Do delegate not the answer to any of your subordinates. Consider the appointment of counsel, to help you manage this claim. Person can override caused discrimination, your company could a large fine - face as much as seven digits. Employ this complaint seriously and treat the output from top to bottom. sign 2Take so much time that you are given to respond to the complaint on it. Complaints can instruct, respond within 10 days. However, the investigation may take months. Contact the Commission at the number listed in the complaint and request more time if necessary. You get more time to give you a detailed response. to build 3Investigate topic to help respond by querying the parties concerned. Keep all interview documentation or other evidence. (Check if available) documentation relating to the incident, many companies only in cases where a complaint in the future 'Incidents' document is created). Be thorough in your investigations 4Respond, supported by the Commission, to tell the whole story and tell it, frankly. Businessmanagementdaily.com but your answer needed workload of the Commission may only a few sentences long, not too short to be. SI go down to the details and the Commission, provide all facts. 5Try Qu demonstrate (s) your actions highlighting the decisions in the past were made valid,. For example, suppose you shot a man in your organization because he was always at the end a few months ago. Now, get a complaint a Femellequi Commission was dismissed because she was fine - and claims that because of the fire was their gender. Mark that gender had nothing to do with, and men from the same reason 6Do not lie was been fired. Try to solve if necessary the problem outside the Court. If your company makes an error, my bugs - but try to reduce the possible shot. One way is that charge to clean up and private keep trying. This is not always possible. Make your decision based on facts and circumstances of the free. Regardless, completely honest in the whole process be.

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