Monday, April 25, 2011

Zatan: Sino-Japanese relations based on national discord.

<P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> Zatan: Sino-Japanese relations based on national discord < ./ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt" ALIGN="center"> 2006 年 10 月 20 / Dong Xiucheng .</ P> <P CLASS="MsoNormal" STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LAYOUT-GRID-MODE: char; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none"> < .wbr> </ P> <P CLASS="MsoPlainText" STYLE="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-line-height-alt: 0pt"> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> China and Japan, most Asian .strength of the two big countries in Asia and the world play an important role in things. .Over the past few years, Sino-Japanese relations are basically good, economic cooperation, political interaction, generally in a state of health. .However, in recent years, the conflict intensified friction. .East China Sea oil and gas resources have the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands dispute, Japan "permanent" on the Taiwan sovereignty issue, the Prime Minister visiting the shrine, history textbooks, etc., can be said that the coldest period in history. .Bilateral relations to a "cold politics and hot," the situation, if allowed to develop a "politically cold and the cold" and "double cooling" trend. .If so, in fact, the two economies will suffer, and cause a lose-lose serious consequences. .I have no reason to believe that the two governments and people do not want this trend to continue. .Why there is such a contradiction has intensified the trend? .I think that the disharmony between the two countries relations with the countries of the mentality of people change and not suited to the relevant, that is the question of substance. .Before the reform and opening up, China can be said to be a political power, but in any case do not claim is the world's largest economy, Japan's economy needs a lot of assistance, such as government loans has continued. .Chinese nationals face of powerful economic strength in Japan, there is a mentality of inferiority, or "Worshipping" psychological, buy Japanese goods was a fashionable home, Japanese-made refrigerators, color TV, radio and other household appliances is a kind of pride. .The Japanese people, faced with the vast poor countries, it is absolutely a sense of pride, a condescending attitude. .Japanese businessmen come to China for business or tourism, can send some small gifts, small appliances, you can make the Chinese happy days and nights. .Therefore, one is condescending, one side is bowed low self-esteem, is a completely unbalanced state of mind, or the role of full asymmetric contacts. .With China's reform and opening up significant increase in economic strength, national strength increased, national prosperity, China is dramatically changing the national mindset. .Chinese people no longer feel poor, is no longer considered Japanese goods, and not humbly accepting the Japanese small gifts, and elated, and then produced a "nouveau riche" mentality, but Japan is so ah! .The Japanese have suddenly found their lost sense of superiority, arrogance is not the past, and greatly increased the sense of loss, together with some politicians fry, making the right gradually move closer to its citizens, worried about China's hegemony in Asia, but " .Flowers fall out ", the only option is to advocate a hard line on China. .Government policies need public support, the two governments in dealing with bilateral relations must take into account the national attitude, so quit relative to each other, rivalry, mutual trust and reduce the friction to upgrade constantly. .In my opinion, Sino-Japanese relations must be improved and gradually adapt to each other with the mentality of nationals of both countries, and gradually see the common interests than conflicts, confrontation between the two countries can only be victims, it will adjust the policy will eventually subside .. .</ P>.

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